Working: Finishing the Body

Once I had the body’s phony seams done and completed the final stockinette round, I switched to 2×2 ribbing to match the sleeve cuffs as well as the neck ribbing I’ll add. Since I had 266 body stitches, I needed to either increase or decrease 2 sts to have a multiple of 4 for my ribbing. On the sleeves, which were snug, I increased 2, but on the body, which had a bit of ease, I decided to decrease 2.

At the first point I did purl stitches at the beginning of the round (at the left “seam”) and at the mid-round (at the right “seam”), I did a P2tog, P1 to form the first P2 rib at those locations. Then I worked another 9 rounds even and bound off.

Color 5–and body–completed

I did also manage to remember to work the ribbing on the 2.50 mm needle, but that’s only because I wrote down in my paper notes that I was going to decrease to 264 sts rather than increase to 268!

I’m not super-thrilled with either the solid color of yarn 4 or the way yarn 5 was dyed in alternating stretches of a medium and dark blue. I would much rather have had yarns 4 and 5 be speckle-dyed like yarns 1, 2, and 3, but I had to work with what the value pack gave me.

Yarn Usage

I finished the body with 30.71 g of color 5 remaining (color 5 was not needed for the short sleeves).

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