Tag Archives: Charts

Sweater Adventure #3: Working the Hawthorne Vest

Since the full chart from the previous post is, shall we say, a bit unwieldy to work from, I stripped it down to its bare essentials before I cast on the back at the tops of the shoulders. This chart preserves all the key information while fitting on a single piece of paper with the stitch symbols at 12 points, which is important for my aging eyeballs. Continue reading...

Sweater Adventure #3: Final Stitch and Row Counts

While the previous post listing stitch and row counts is a good first pass, the final counts need to allow for the fact that I’m trying to keep all the Mistake-Stitch Ribbing

  • mirror-image where the edgings are vertical
  • aligned and continuous when a vertical edging joins a horizontal edging

The second bullet point refers to where Continue reading...

Working: Avoiding Yarn Chicken, Part 2

I updated my garment chart with the body increases so that I could count how many stitches I would need to make with each colorway, just for some assurance that I wouldn’t be playing yarn chicken with any of them. I also updated the sleeves to show the two stitches I’d need to increase to accommodate the 2×2 ribbing on the cuffs. I used blank table rows between each group of colorway rows to make it easy to select the table cells containing the stitch symbols for each colorway. Continue reading...